Can You Build in The Winter?

When people think about building homes, they typically picture construction in the Summer. We hear all the time, “you must be really slow in the winter, what do you do during the winter months?” This is a HUGE misconception! Building and remodeling is NOT a seasonal thing. The beautiful thing about St. Louis winter is that they are typically pretty…

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RIGGS Company- It’s All About Longevity

In 1959, Bill and Helen Riggs set out to create a construction company that would provide the best carpentry and the finest craftsmen in St. Louis. That dream became a reality with RIGGS Company. Bill and Helen’s son, Tom, and their daughter Pam grew up in the business, and in 1981 they took over the company. Today, Tom’s children Amie…

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Amie Riggs Awarded Longest Time Served on the Downtown Kirkwood Special Business District Advisory Commission

At RIGGS Company, we are all about our community. We have lived in Kirkwood, worked in Kirkwood, and raised families here. Owning a business isn’t always easy, but with the support of the City of Kirkwood, we have been able to thrive, grow  and give back to the community. Let us introduce you to the Downtown Kirkwood Special Business District….

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