Riggs Remodels Walker Lake Dock in Kirkwood

At RIGGS, we are passionate about giving back to our community. That has been engrained into our business for years by our father, Tom, who is a model humanitarian. Tom is a member of the Kirkwood Rotary Club and volunteers around town to help spearhead improvement projects. If you’re familiar with the Kirkwood area, then you’ll recognize the wooden fishing…

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RIGGS Company Donates $3,000 to the Walker Natatorium

St. Louis, September 17, 2015 – The Riggs family has a longstanding tradition of supporting Kirkwood schools and community organizations. Amie and Bill Riggs are carrying out their family’s legacy of community service with their most recent gift of $3,000 towards the Walker Natatorium. Many Riggs family members have attended Kirkwood High School, as will both Amie and Bill’s children….

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