Home Energy Efficiency – Saving Money Before the Holidays

Jack Frost is on the doorstep and Santa will soon be coming down the chimney soon. This means two things, higher energy bills and the need to buy gifts for family and friends. This year the average person is going to spend an average of $715 on holiday gifts and around $1,900 on the year’s utilities.


While everyone is looking for the best deal on holiday gifts, they aren’t doing the same with their more expensive home utility bills. What many homeowners do not know is they are actually paying more for utilities than they should be, because of inefficiencies throughout the house. We tell homeowners our goal is to create a tight “envelope” within the home so that warm air cannot escape and cold air cannot infiltrate.


We suggest looking around your home and finding areas that could have the potential to leak warm air and let in cold air. Often it will be obvious where you are losing heat, which is evident by a draft or even frost. But it can also be much harder. To help save money this winter with energy efficiency, we have provided the below common areas where heat escapes:


  • Cracks Around Chimney
  • Improper working fireplace flue
  • Poor Insulated Attic
  • Electrical Outlets
  • Ceiling Fixtures
  • Windows
  • Doors & Floors
  • Walls
  • Light Switch
  • Non Insulated Perimeter Band Boards


When you do find an area that is allowing infiltration of cold air, sealing or insulation are the two greatest tools in your toolbox. By simply caulking around a window or blocking the passing of air under your front door you can save yourself some serious money.


This holiday season, instead of clipping coupons to save money, look into cutting your energy costs. At RIGGS, we can help make your home more energy efficient, whether that is through an exterior renovation or home improvements. We have acertified green professional on staff to help you get the most from your home!