What I’ve Learned from my Dog, Nelly

My dog and I walk the city of Kirkwood twice a day. She’s a year and a half old and we’ve been doing it since the first day she came home with us. I don’t put her on a leash because she can get five times the exercise running around as she can if she were at heel.


People always comment on how well trained she is. She stops at each street crossing until I arrive, heels, comes, stops and sits on whistle command and never, ever bothers other walkers or their dogs. It wasn’t always that way though! It came with consistent training twice a day, every day, so she knows what’s expected of her. It was hard work but it has really paid off in the close bond we’ve formed.


I wish I had known this simple principal when I was younger. I would have been a better father, husband and business owner. All it took to have (or be) a great companion was consistent expectations, patience, understanding and love. It seemed so easy to understand while training my dog but for some silly reason, interacting with humans with the same approach never crossed my mind!


My dog has taught me more than I’ll ever be able to teach her. Thanks Nelly.