Preventing Stress During a Remodel


Close your eyes and picture your home in the middle of a remodel project. How does it look to you? Are you picturing a messy, unorganized disaster zone and you as a bundle of stress and anxiety? That does not have to be the case! Here are a few of our tips to prevent stress during a remodel.

Organize before the remodel
Depending on what type of remodel you’re having done, you might not be able to access certain parts of your home. It’s smart to organize and move items you will need prior to the start of the remodel. If you’re renovating your kitchen, move any items you’ll need daily out of your cabinets and have them easily accessible. When you’re hungry and ready to eat, you don’t want to spend time trying to find your forks! Keep all your items in one central location and you won’t drive yourself crazy searching.

Storage Unit
Depending on the size of your remodel, you might want to consider a small storage unit. Whenever an area of the house is being remodeled, items that previously lived there end up migrating and overflowing into other parts of the home. This can be frustrating and get in the way of your everyday life. Your family will feel more comfortable and less cramped if these items found a temporary new home in a storage unit. This way, the remainder of the house stays the same and the construction area is the only place that is changed.

Length of project
A major home remodeling project can be lengthy. Be realistic with yourself and your family and decide if you can handle the added stress of a remodel. If you feel like it may be too much you might choose to stay with family or a hotel. Even a few days here or there throughout the remodel might be enough to give you a mental break.

Timing of project
Many people prefer to plan their home remodel projects when the weather is nicer outside. This way you can spend more time outdoors with your friends and family rather than being confined in the house during a remodel. It’s also the perfect time for grilling if your kitchen is being renovated. Many people will schedule their family vacations during the project.

Remodeling projects are exciting, don’t let the process frustrate you! Being prepared and knowing what to expect will make the project go smoothly. Reducing your stress by being prepared and organized and keeping a positive attitude will go a long way.

photo credit: smiley face stress ball via photopin (license)